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& Revitalizing the Community

LAEDA Women’s Business Center Welcomes 13 Students to 4th Annual Women’s Business Academy

Posted on 1/31/2020 by EDTP Coordinator in LAEDA News

Although we are only one month into the 2020, Forbes suggests that over 75% of people have already abandoned their New Year’s resolutions. At the LAEDA Women’s Business Academy, 13 individuals defy this statistic through their commitment to themselves and their small businesses.

Beginning on January 8, 2020, the 4th annual session of the Women’s Business Academy opened its doors to local entrepreneurs and budding small business owners that demonstrate proof of concept, readiness to get started, and the commitment needed to follow through on their business development goals.

Through the support of student volunteers from Saint Joseph’s University, LAEDA is proud to announce the newly-renovated training center that encourages engaged learning through seminar-style seating and expression of the students’ mission motivators through vision boards.

The 2020 Women’s Business Academy showcases a variety of small business, such as a healthcare agency, a vegan food truck, barber shops, and construction companies, to name a few. In the last few weeks, students have learned from experts in business law, taxes, small business financing, marketing, and of course, business planning.

Each student is paired with a member of LAEDA’s counseling team to collaboratively develop a comprehensive business plan. LAEDA’s staff ensures that our student’s business plans are of the highest quality, a final product that meets and exceeds the expectations of a lending department of a commercial bank in the event a student is seeking a business loan, or at least provides a road map with a clearly described destination that aligns with their view of success.

LAEDA Women’s Business Center is ready and excited to support the growth of these new students and set them up for a success on their entrepreneurial journey.

