That’s a Wrap! Women’s Business Academy Class Session 92 Comes to a Close

That’s a Wrap! Women’s Business Academy Class Session 92 Comes to a Close

Camden, NJ- On Wednesday, March 16, 2022 LAEDA hosted the final class of its virtual Women’s Business Academy (Session 92). The 2022 Women’s Business Academy brought together 19 highly motivated entrepreneurs, representing a variety of industries including food service, party and event venue rental, photography, accounting and tax preparation, and auto detailing. Over the course of the nine-week program, participants received 72+ hours of training from industry professionals as well as business planning, business counseling, and continued business counseling.

To wrap up the Women’s Business Academy, Ray opened the floor for the participants of this class to reflect back onto the following questions:

What Have You Learned?
What was Your Ah-Ha Moment?
What was Your Favorite Class?
What was your Biggest Challenge?

Learning is important and so is applying what you learned. If the application isn’t there, then being able to meet goals, walking that pathway to success or even building a business will not happen.

“Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your story and good luck to everyone, talk to you soon,” Ray Lamboy stated.

“This is actually not the end, but in fact this is the beginning of your journey and LAEDA’s goal is to help you move forward and working toward your future business goals so please call us as much as you need and let us help you,” Jamila Powell, Program Manager- Women’s Business Center expressed, “Congratulations once again.”

Our Networking Queens, alumni Barbara Hall-Bryant and Crystal Lewis from I Say Yes Salon & Spa, LLC joined the class on Zoom tonight to share their experience as business owners and being part of our alumni family since Session 62.

“LAEDA has been the best starting experience in our entrepreneurial journey and LAEDA has all the resources that small business owners need to succeed,” Barbara Hall-Bryant shared her experiences, “Crystal and I have been successful because we applied everything that LAEDA taught us and to never give up is a vital ingredient.”

Barbara Hall-Bryant brought in a quote from Thomas Edison: “We all have fears- we just need to work out our solutions and get around it.”

In addition, she shared such vital pieces of success that entrepreneurs need to think about and also follow upon, including reflecting on what messages were learned about money from family or friends, focusing on excellent customer service, and remembering to clean up your social media platforms.

“Change the world, get into the community because we always need to change the world with different products and services…never give up and don’t even let your solution stop you and just keep moving because remember the world needs you,” Crystal Lewis suggested, “Congratulations and welcome onboard to the entrepreneurial world.”
Afterward, Jamila Powell opened up the floor to the following discussion: Who you are? Your Business/Industry? What your goals are for the next three months?

“Contact us to get all of your ingredients together so we can bake them into your recipe of success,” Sehrish Khan, LAEDA’s Training Coordinator stated, “Pick up that phone just like you would use a flashlight to get to the light at the end of the tunnel and call LAEDA.”

LAEDA and LAEDA Alumni always say Surround Yourself with Positive People.

The LAEDA Women’s Business Center is available for your small business needs through email, phone, and/or video conferencing. Please call us at (856) 338-1177 to learn more about our Women’s Business Academy as well as other programs, services, and small business resources.