A Moment with our EDTP Graduate- Margaret A. Clay

A Moment with our EDTP Graduate- Margaret A. Clay

Margaret A. Clay is the owner and operator of Clay Professional Services, LLC, where the following Notary/Loan Signing Services are provided: Assumption Mortgages, Debt Settlement Contracts, HELOC, Investment Mortgages, Loan Modifications, Refinance, Commercial & Residential Purchases, Reverse Mortgage Applications/Loans, Second Mortgages, Rental, School Forms and work with the General Public. Margaret A. Clay is a graduate of LAEDA’s Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP). We had a chance to sit down with her to ask about her experience with entrepreneurship and LAEDA’s training program.

(1) LAEDA: Entrepreneurship is a very challenging path to take with many different possible directions. What made you decide to become an entrepreneur?

I was working hard for other companies, completing all their required trainings, getting licensed and certifications but not receiving a salary increase. Learning other services that other staff members were providing, but they were not learning all the services that I had to provide.

I reached a breaking point, which was my deciding factor. I could put all that time and energy into myself and build something for my family and myself.

I want to leave something of value to my grandsons.

(2) LAEDA: Why did you choose your industry?

I had my real estate license since 1999 and only sold a handful of homes. I worked on rental properties for about 10+ years and was a housing counselor for 7 years; I helped clients achieve their dreams as a first-time homeowner. So, staying in the real estate/lending industry was the right choice for me.

(3) LAEDA: Tell me about your experience while attending EDTP.

When I attended EDTP, I was not sure if it was the right place for me because there was so much I didn’t know about really starting a business. I felt that I needed to have something major under my belt before doing this program. As we jumped into the program, I realized that I was in the right place.

What have the major takeaways been from the program?

Learning about the NAICS Codes and where my business fits in; while developing my business plan and really seeing my company come to life on paper and not just me talking about it. I felt like I am one of the BIG BOYS in the industry, it was actually exciting learning during this process.

Have you had any “Ah-ha!” moments?

Telling people and the industry that I am a MOBILE NOTARY/LOAN SIGNING AGENT, how would they know if I didn’t tell them (Thank you Odette Top).

How did the program help you?

Once, my business plan was developed, I was able to use it to setup my first business account, I got my first business credit to get a commercial copier. It was amazing! I presented myself professionally with all the right documentation and credentials to achieve this goal.

(4) LAEDA: Tell me about your journey on the road to business start-up. What have been some of the challenges, successes, failures, etc.?

My challenges were getting my name out there to escrow/title companies and signing services to use my services as a new loan signing agent. I have taken all types of training and made sure all my credentials were up to date. Thus, beginning a “Newbie” in this industry is hard trying to get closings assigned to you and get paid a reasonable fee.

I have three major success stories. My first, was getting an award from Solidifi Notary Network, in October 2018 for the Extraordinary Professional, I was one of five other notaries in their region who received these awards.

My second, was when my family gave me a birthday party to congratulate me on my upcoming award from Solidifi Notary Network. They also presented me with a check for $500.00 made payable to Clay Professional Services, LLC to purchase the equipment I needed.

My family is extremely supportive, especially my daughters- Jasmine Felder is my office manager and Tracy Felder helps me with social media questions. My other family support system has been there for me always. Clay, Lucy, CJ, Erica, Aiyana, Alani and Samir; thank you guys. I love you all!

My third, was being able to purchase my home in December 2021 on my own with the money I made doing this business. This was a major accomplishment after two divorces, financial and health issues. This home will be passed down to my grandsons along with this business.

My failures are “Marketing and Advertising!” In this business like any other you must smooch the escrow/title companies with gifts or food to get their direct business. This has always been a weak point for me; putting out extra money does not guarantee you any work from them. I like to rely on my credentials and services that I provide.

Also, I need to add more services to my resume like: Remote Online Notarization (since signers are really starting to request this service more.) Adding I-9 Verification Forms, Apostles Forms and create a powerful website and update information on LinkedIn.

(5) LAEDA: Could you tell me a little about where your business is today?

Since the interest rates has increased homeowners are not refinancing as fast as they were and signing services are not getting as much work. I was doing 13 to 15 closings a week, now it more like 8 to 10 closings a week. So, I really need to push myself in going direct.

(6) LAEDA: Do you have any advice for future (or existing) entrepreneurs?

Keep following your dreams and don’t give up no matter what. If you must put your dreams on the back burner for only a minute; look at it every day and know you will continue to make it a reality. Join LAEDA to get it started!

About Margaret A. Clay:

Margaret has been a Notary Public since 1994 and Certified Notary Loan Signing Agent since 2005, part-time and full-time since 2017.

She have completed all required training, certifications, and licensing for NJ and PA. Additionally, she is a licensed NJ Realtor and former PA Housing Counselor.

Her service area includes NJ counties: Burlington, Camden and Gloucester and PA counties: Bucks, Delaware and Montgomery. She has completed over 4,500+ closings and has become a trusted service provider to many local businesses. As a Mobile Notary, she will come directly to your home or place of business.

October 2018 in Washington, D.C., Margaret was one of five other Notary Signing Agents who received the Extraordinary Professional Award from Solidifi Notary Network for outstanding performance, customer service, and commitment to quality.

Notary/Loan Signing Services provided: Assumption Mortgages, Debt Settlement Contracts, HELOC, Investment Mortgages, Loan Modifications, Refinance, Commercial & Residential Purchases, Reverse Mortgage Applications/Loans, Second Mortgages, Rental, School Forms and work with the General Public.

Contact Info:

Clay Professional Services, LLC

Margaret A. Clay
Notary Loan Signing Agent
(856) 630-7372 Cell

Jasmine Felder, Office Manager
Scheduling and Billing
(609) 471-3581 Office
(856) 219-9798 Fax

The Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP) is a free, nine-week business skills training course offered in Camden, NJ in the Spring and Fall each year. Qualified entrepreneurs receive 72+ hours of training from industry professionals, business planning, and continued technical assistance. Apply online at www.LAEDA.com.