A Moment with our EDTP Graduate- Pedro Santana with Deal With It Management LLC

A Moment with our EDTP Graduate- Pedro Santana with Deal With It Management LLC

Pedro Santana is the owner and operator of Deal With It Management, LLC, which is a full-service management and consulting firm dedicated to providing top quality solutions and services to government clients, business, K-12 and higher education leaders. We aim to help organizations adapt to the shifting needs of the marketplace by providing innovative solutions for a chaotic world. Pedro Santana is a graduate of LAEDA’s Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP). We had a chance to sit down with him to ask about his experience with entrepreneurship and LAEDA’s training program.

(1) LAEDA: Entrepreneurship is a very challenging path to take with many different possible directions. What made you decide to become an entrepreneur?

You have an opportunity to help build organizations, to help build something new for the future that does not exist and it gives you control over your time and opportunities for others and yourself to grow. To be an entrepreneur you have to have a great deal of faith, skill, hard-work and smart- work at the same time and being able to see an opportunity that others do not see and at the same time you must have a great deal of resilience.

(2) LAEDA: Why did you choose your industry?

I worked in education for many years and I also provided support via boards to a variety of different organizations. So I have this expertise and I wanted to create my own business, but at the same time I found this niche that I had experience in and am an expert in so I knew I could manage this and build upon it.

(3) LAEDA: Tell me about your experience while attending EDTP. What have the major takeaways been from the program? Have you had any “Ah-ha!” moments? How did the program help you?

LAEDA helped me through finding discipline to carve out the time to invest in myself and my business, connect with a similar group of people and do the work to bring things to the table and bring it to life the way I need it to grow. Support from the staff and the classmates was priceless, and it is important for the entrepreneurial journey.

My “Ah-ha!” moment was the products and to just continue to work on the business plan. We did not know what we did not know, and we still got everything done and did not give up. There are other people out there doing this and finding the right resources to encourage entrepreneurship is a vital asset to have in the palm of your hands as an entrepreneur.

(4) LAEDA: Tell me about your journey on the road to business start-up. What have been some of the challenges, successes, failures, etc.?

Challenge: Trying to put together something that you knew was necessary, but did not know where to start, but once I figured out the name and the company it became easier. Deal With It Management and have that all down to the right path, while also sitting down with people and understanding what they are trying to accomplish and working on that with those people.

Successes: I was able to get contracts with companies and organizations to provide a service that people needed and were willing to pay for. Learning about the different processes and bringing them to the table, to keep things going. Not every single proposal resulted in revenue, but pursuing your goals and not giving up and taking those lessons learned and kept on moving forward helped me to build up my successes even more and my business and those around me. You must be willing to learn and connect with people and share ideas and experiences with other people because relationships could lead to alignments and can create entities for success of opportunities for you, your business and other people.

Failures: No matter what happens in the entrepreneurial journey you just adjust to what your needs are to keep going forward, while at the same time searching for and staying open-minded because this leads toward new possibilities and opportunities.

(5) LAEDA: Could you tell me a little about where your business is today?

Today my business is relatively small, but we are eager to work with others and it is successful- right where I want it to be. Always reflecting and learning are significant ways in which to build upon as an entrepreneur. I was able to successfully get contracts and clients and the future is bright. The business is at a comfortable level.

At Deal With It Management, we provide custom services and solutions that are tailor made to help you accomplish your organization’s goals. We appreciate your support and please remember that when times are tough and you’re in a bind, Hate it or Love it, We deal with it! At Deal With It Management.

(6) LAEDA: Do you have any advice for future (or existing) entrepreneurs?

To dream and to imagine and just to have the faith to bring that dream to reality. You will not find the capacity to dream or to do or the passion to pursue outside of oneself because this is an internal job. Take the time to sit down and visualize what it is you want to create and most importantly what it is that you want to feel as a result of this business being created, Is it feeling empowered and self-sufficient? Is it financial freedom? Is it peace and harmony? It can be all these things and much more. Focus on those feelings and create your own thing. Can I do my own thing? Be committed to listening to your inner voice and be willing to imagine it and create a plan for what you are going to do on a daily basis and how will you do it and work on accomplishing it. Imagination creates reality. Have that courage to walk in that faith no matter what storm comes in front of you.

Some more information about Deal With It Management, LLC:

We will sit with you and work through some goal-setting and envisioning exercises that are aimed at helping you unlock your true potential. We will work with you and coach you relative to your personal, professional, educational goals, dreams and aspirations while at the same time providing you a safe space to speak about your fears and anxieties. Our chief aim is to empower you so that you can make a difference in the world. Please remember to be kind to yourself and reach out to us today so that we can help you chart your path towards success!

About Pedro Santana:

Dr. Pedro J. Santana has worked within progressive leadership positions within Academia for over two decades cultivating relationships with individuals, businesses, K-12 school districts, higher education and government. He served on numerous boards, and held several teaching appointments, served as an accreditation evaluator and compliance reviewer and holds several memberships in professional organizations, community groups and societies. In his professional capacities as a university administrator and educator, he interacted with thousands of parents, students, alumni, and community leaders on initiatives that aligned with institutional goals and priorities.

Dr. Santana completed doctoral work in business and holds multiple master’s degrees in student personnel administration/higher education, organizational management and completed significant coursework in global affairs. In addition to his formal schooling, Dr. Santana also completed the Institute for Education Management at Harvard University. Santana also participated and received a certificate in fundraising management (CFRM) from the Indiana University, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Other notable executive leadership programs that Dr. Santana participated in included the year-long Leadership New Jersey Fellows program, and the Executive Leadership Academy (ELA), a year-long program cosponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, and the American Academic Leadership Institute to prepare experienced provosts and vice presidents to become successful presidents.

Pedro Santana can be reached by the following:

Visit him on his website: https://dealwithitmanagement.com/

You can email him at operations@dealwithitmanagement.com

 You can call him at 609- 416-1009

The Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP) is a free, nine-week business skills training course offered in Camden, NJ in the Spring and Fall each year. Qualified entrepreneurs receive 72+ hours