Returning Again this Year for Camden’s Small Business Week Celebrated at the Camden Kroc Center

Returning Again this Year for Camden’s Small Business Week Celebrated at the Camden Kroc Center

Camden, NJ- On May 3, 2023, LAEDA joined local organizations and small businesses at the Kroc Center in Camden to celebrate National Small Business Week for the second time. Wells Fargo hosted to provide information on how to build capacity and elevate small businesses to the next level. The small business leaders in Camden were highlighted as well as the network of local organizations who support them every single day and on each and every step of their journey.

Happy National Small Business Week! The LAEDA team attended an event to celebrate National Small Business Week and to provide resources for local entrepreneurs. Thank you to The Enterprise Center CDCKroc Center – Camden and Wells Fargo for hosting such a wonderful event and bringing together resources for the small business community!

Small businesses are the cornerstone to our neighborhoods and they help vitalize the communities and provide economic growth. However, in order for that to continuously happen these small businesses need to keep on growing. This happens when resources are shared, and when connections are made and used in collaboration to help make the small businesses and overall the communities surrounding them a better place and high-lightening the benefits.

The valuable connections and conversations really brought the potential of the room to life. Everyone enjoyed beverages and food whilst getting to know each other and making connections. Having those connections are vital in the life of a small business, because building a business takes time, dedication,and hard work. When connections are made there is more support to help grow that business, and more knowledge to be shared and built upon. Each of the businesses in the room are continuously making positive impacts in their cities and helping the neighborhood so residents and visitors can continue to thrive.

“How do we help entrepreneurs and support them and grow their businesses,” Victoria Hosendorf, Executive Vice President at The Enterprise Center in New Jersey illustrated, “We identify needs, the steps to grow and make connections with the right people at the right time.”

When small businesses each plant their seed and help each other then the business is not the only aspect that grows and becomes successful, but the residents and cities do so as well. That is why it is crucial to have the art of collaboration, come together and paint the picture of the small businesses sharing their knowledge and resources and just working together.

“We have been provided and blessed with the gift of families and parents and all of this is possible because of the partnerships, connecting with others, and credibility,” Captain Keith Maynor, Kroc Center Administrator at The Salvation Army in Camden announced, “Also, congratulations and I wish all the small businesses to keep on growing and doing what you do.”

In order for the small businesses in Camden to achieve their next level of successes or add onto their already successful ventures, it is important to understand some common barriers that can come across on their path in the following areas: financing, tax planning, accounting, equity, procurement, certifications, collaboration, business capacity and preparedness to name a few.

“Small Businesses are the backbone of our communities,” Jonathan Young, Sr., Camden County Commissioner disclosed, “They are the fabric of our neighborhoods and what our neighborhoods are all about.”

Building relationships creates opportunities and fills in the gaps of all the pieces that may be missing to paint that complete picture of success.

Then there was a discussion on stage where Alima Redding, Vice President and Business Acquisition Manager for the Small Business Development Group asked Dana Redd, President/CEO of Camden Community Partnership, Inc. a private nonprofit organization whose mission is to serve as the catalyst for the preservation and growth of a vibrant Camden valuable questions about small businesses and their surrounding communities.

“How do you maintain your business services and the cash flow of your business?” Asked Alima Redding, “How do you have the capital to cover costs? What advice would you give to first, second and third year entrepreneurs in the City of Camden?”

“Camden has great energy and with its collaboration, partnership and resident focused vibrant plans making the communities and the lives of the residents better through small businesses is vital,” Dana Redd answered, “As for advice, it is important to keep building capacity, knowing what are the procurement opportunities, what are the uniqueness’s of the entities’ and being aware of what is going in the world because this prepares you for success.”

Did you know when we strengthen the small businesses we strengthen the communities and with that we are not just creating jobs for those residents today, but tomorrow as well?

As the discussion led on there were many solutions brought upon in the room of the potential barriers small businesses face. Business education and counseling are vital and we want to see South Jersey succeed in reaching the goals of achieving entrepreneurship. With that being said, LAEDA has been working really hard to prepare entrepreneurs to open up their businesses. By working together, the organizations aim to continuously drive the city of Camden to being a place where businesses, no matter what size, can thrive and keep on being successful.

LAEDA is more than the nine week program. LAEDA offers business training, business counseling, ensures entrepreneurs are moving forward and get what they need, growing the marketplace and taking the thoughts of being an entrepreneur and helping to open up for business and much more.

LAEDA offers seminars and short-term courses in various counties of South Jersey throughout the year. A long-term course is also offered three times per year where entrepreneurs receive 72+ hours of training from industry professionals, business planning, and business counseling. The program is free, but you must qualify.

LAEDA welcomes you to join our community of successful entrepreneurs. Visit our website at or call (856) 338-1177 to learn more.

Let’s continue upon building those successful communities and keep on revitalizing one small business at a time.