Moment with Our EDTP Graduate – Jeaneen V. Jenkins, MSW – Tree Lady Events, LLC

Moment with Our EDTP Graduate – Jeaneen V. Jenkins, MSW – Tree Lady Events, LLC

Jeaneen V. Jenkins, MSW is the owner of Tree Lady Events, LLC. This business provides personalized and meaningful decorated trees for your events and provides event planning and programming services. We had a chance to sit down with her to ask about her experience with entrepreneurship and LAEDA’s training program.

LAEDA: Entrepreneurship is a very challenging path to take with many different possible directions. What made you decide to become an entrepreneur?

Employment is never predictable for anyone: no matter how hard you work, how dedicated/positive you are, or how much time you devote. There is always someone that finds something NOT to like about you due to his or her own insecurities and inferiorities. Although you never project that type of energy to make, anyone feel that way. They just seem to find you as you hide like a glow stick in a dark field.

I recognized that I was different, and I must walk in my own tree-guided path… I know that I am a multi-talented woman who has more to offer any company than to watch my abilities go to waste. I imagine my life working for some companies that do not evolve, like packing a tree inside of a crate. You may fit in at the time, but as you grow, the crate does not as it merely stays the same and suffocates your growth. I needed to become an entrepreneur so that I could build “crates” that promote my growth.

LAEDA: Why did you choose your industry?

My first response is, because it is FUN! In addition, because my sister Shirond Armour says that I am really good at it…
I get to be creative, innovative, and free to create the types of events of my choosing. I chose the event planning industry, because I love planning events that inspire people. I am sure that many people vaguely remember decorations and all of the people they interacted with while attending an event, but they will never forget a first experience. I celebrated my birthday during Tree Lady Events, LLC business launch of The Tree Party Exhibit. The life changing experiences that people spoke about during and still after the Tree Party event continues to encourage me. It changes lives and gives hope… Not just another birthday party, but also an opportunity for guests to learn about how LAEDA can help them with their business.

LAEDA: Tell me about your experience while attending EDTP. What have the major takeaways been from the program? Have you had any “Ah-ha!” moments? How did the program help you?

The training was awesome. I really enjoyed making profound bonds with all of the students that I met. “Ah- Ha,” I guess you can say that… As I shared information about the training, my best friend (James Clinton, VMD) decided that he wanted to attend the financial training course with me at LAEDA and he was granted the opportunity to sit right next to me in class. He began asking the trainer all sorts of questions that the entire class was pondering, but did not ask… Many people said I should bring him more often. We had lots of fun together and I learned a great deal of information about the type of company that I wanted to operate. The trainers actually wanted to teach you information that would help with your newly developed business. LAEDA’s trainers and staff took time to answer questions while paying close attention to the details of your dreams. They distinctively helped me to shape my thoughts clearly by providing me with information before I made a firm decision on getting started.

LAEDA: Tell me about your journey on the road to business start-up. What have been some of the challenges, successes, failures, etc.?

Challenges: The biggest challenge is the financial hardship that startup businesses face: launch events, Promotional, marketing, materials, getting hard working people to be sold on your vision without jealousy, staying positive during setbacks, and etc. I would love to have a storefront, with a nice size banquet hall attached so that I could continue to inspire the types of events that inspire growth. Networking with innovative people who are looking to advance.

Failures: Honestly, vision is hard for people to see even when it is drawn out for them. People never truly understand the hardship leaders’ face. Sharing the entire vision may be too much for many people. Take time to learn: personality types, various traits, strengths, and weaknesses about your team. Trusting the wrong volunteers or employees because they appear to want to help can be a disaster. Pay close attention to how they interact with you and if they change when they are around others. Always have a back-up plan. Be sure to hire the people that are qualified not just, because they are your friend or family.

Success: On June 12, 2024, I established Tree Lady Events, LLC with the help of LAEDA’s Jamila Powell, Program Director- LAEDA’s Women Business Center. On August 17, 2024 Tree Lady Events, LLC released The Tree Party Exhibit business launch event. September 16, 2024, Tree Lady Events, LLC launched The Holiday Tree Challenge. Tree Lady Events, LLC continues to rent trees. I continue to learn from mistakes and stand firm on my leadership role as well as the decisions that I make.

LAEDA: Could you tell me a little about where your business is today?

The trees continue to be rented out, but it is not consistent. I have launched a new vision for companies to decorate the trees for the upcoming holidays and have challenged my followers to send the letter to their jobs to gain exposure. In addition, I have several items for rent that includes the following: the Tree Ladies, pillars, backdrops, etc. from the photos. I hope that business will pick up with the rentals and that people will begin to talk.

LAEDA: Do you have any advice for future (or existing)?

Block out your fears… Get some help to guide you through the process of understanding your business. Find an accountant that you feel you can trust and ask questions. Encourage yourself, because you cannot expect for someone else to be your biggest fan if you are not your biggest fan first… Love what you do with passion and do not give up no matter what negative people, obligations, etc. that stand in your way. Always be firm on your decisions. Stay a couple steps ahead of the race, meaning just be prepared for whatever comes your way.

More about Jeaneen V. Jenkins, MSW:

Jeaneen V. Jenkins, MSW,42, born and raised in the city of (East) Camden, NJ. Jenkins received her high school diploma from Urban Promise Academy in 2000, She went on to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Family and Consumer Sciences at Virginia State University 2003, Master of Social Work degree from Kean University in 2006, and a recent graduate of the LAEDA Entrepreneur program in Event Planning. Over the years, Jenkins has worked and volunteered with several non-profit/for profit organizations in the field of Social Work. Jenkins transitioned into the field of Security in 2018, providing services to both celebrities and everyday civilians. She is currently an Armed administrator licensed to carry in the state of New Jersey. Jenkins has done work in bridging the gap between neighbors in communities, students at Virginia State University, base pay employees to upper management, etc. Jenkins has served as a public speaker, advisor, and an advocate for many years to many people. Jeaneen has been planning parties and events since she was 16 years old. Jeaneen established Tree Lady Events, LLC on June 12, 2024, with the help of LAEDA. In 20218 Jeaneen bought 20 manzanita trees for her mother’s birthday and now has 127. She also has several items that she rents out as posted throughout the photos on her Instagram. Tree Lady Events, LLC’s mascot is the tree lady.

Contact Tree Lady Events, LLC for more information:

Business Phone Number: (856) 580-3721
Cell Phone Number: (856)-655-1586
Facebook: Tree Lady Events, LLC

About the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP):

The Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP) is a free, nine-week business skills training course offered in Camden, NJ in the Spring and Fall each year. Qualified entrepreneurs receive 72+ hours of training from industry professionals, business planning, and continued technical assistance. Please visit our website to learn more at