LAEDA’s Session 99 of the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP) Comes to a Close with New Beginnings

LAEDA’s Session 99 of the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP) Comes to a Close with New Beginnings

Camden, NJ- On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, LAEDA hosted the final class of its Entrepreneurship Development Training Program (EDTP) Session 99. The class brought together ten highly motivated and dedicated entrepreneurs, representing a vast variety of industries including educational consultant, multicultural hair salon, clothing boutique, wellness health services by nurse practitioner, spa services, a couple of hair braiding services, lingerie & adult novelties, exterior cleaning services and marketing services & photography. Over the course of the nine-week program, participants received 72 + hours of training from industry professionals as well as business planning education and business counseling.

“Today we are here to celebrate the hard work, late hours, celebration of right now and what you are going to do in the future,” Jiao Xu, Program Manager- LAEDA Business Services Center introduces the evening. 

“The idea is to understand the follow through because it does not end here,” Raymond Lamboy, President & Chief Executive Officer illustrates, “when a rocket is getting ready to take off/launch off the Launchpad it spends 95% of its fuel to launch off so we need to apply what we have learned and work on our mindset.” 

At LAEDA, we encourage our clients to be life learners. All of us are teachers and students; we teach someone every day and we learn something each day as well. Ray left us with some valuable and informative books because it is crucial for entrepreneurs and or business owners to work on not just professional development, but self-development as well.

List of books:

  • Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
    · The E Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber
    · Traction by Gino Wickman
    · What To Say When You Talk To Your Self by Shad Helmstetter
    · Applebee’s America by Douglas B. Sosnik and Matthew J. Dowd
    · How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
    · Know Your Value by Mika Brzezinski
    · Never Split the Difference by Christopher Voss and Tahl Raz
    · The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell

Raymond Lamboy also explained how business skills are different from one’s skills or talents and that everyone has a narrative so we must set our learning diet now and be a life learner and keep on building upon our skills. 

Next the floor opened to LAEDA staff…

   -Grab onto your goals and keep moving onto that road

   -Take a little bit of something from every class and apply it to your business for a successful business venture 

   – Keep in touch with LAEDA and each other because a support and networking system are vital 

Next Steps: 

Then the LAEDA staff talked about next steps and other programs, services and trainings LAEDA provides and the benefits of being a LAEDA alumni and part of the alumni family: We have training programs, Buy Camden First, Funding (IDA Program), Business Pitch Competition and counseling. 

We also have a great opportunity which is LAEDA’s IDA for Entrepreneurship powered by United Way that usually our students like to take advantage of as soon as they are done from the 9 Week program because they already have 2 steps out of the three done.”

If you want to learn more please consider visiting us on the web at 

“Take this business plan and implement it,” Jamila Powell, Program Manager of Women’s Business Center explains, “Continue this process and our goals at LAEDA are to keep you engaged, motivated, moving and staying connected.” 

Tonight LAEDA also had a few guest star speakers, alumni Barbara Hall-Bryant and Crystal Lewis from I Say Yes Salon & Spa, LLC (and thank you Angela; Barbara’s mother for coming as well) and alumnus Christopher Hampton from CHAMPIAM ORG LLC.

Our Networking Queens, alumni Barbara Hall-Bryant and Crystal Lewis from I Say Yes Salon & Spa, LLC joined the class to share their experience as business owners and being part of our alumni family since graduating in October 2012 as a part of EDTP Session 62. They opened the room to vital information and shared their valuable experiences to help the entrepreneurs in the class.

Barbara Hall-Bryant and Crystal Lewis filled the room with the following valuable information and much more:

  • You need to learn how to do business
  • Pick the right people for your team 
  • If you are not planning or marketing then you do not exist 
  • Having the right partners makes a difference in the foundation and success of your business 
  • Learning the business and building relationships are really valuable and two of the most important keys to unlocking the doors of success and opportunities for your business 
  • The value that you will give to the people who will not blink are your target audience 
  • Study different businesses so you can connect with people in relation to where you want to be 
  • Come back for support to LAEDA and keep in touch with them 
  • Plan visibility because if you cannot be found you do not exist

Christopher Hampton from CHAMPIAM ORG LLC joined the class to share his experience as a business owner and being part of our alumni family since EDTP Session 75.

Christopher Hampton added such insightful and beneficial advice within the room as well: 

  • Stay true to your why even if you do not understand the why 
  • The start of your business is the hardest. That is why you need a business plan – it is your roadmap, your guide. In addition, your start will be the hardest because you need to get out of your comfort zone, broaden your horizon, and network in your own backyard as well. 
  • You need to get to know people and build those relationships
  • Remember your why always 
  • Consistently put your brand out there and live it
  • You not only have to brand your organization, but you also need to brand you so people know who you are 
  • The confidence that you have in your brand gives you the right people
  • Focus on building relationships and not transactions 
  • Use the marketing to fit the picture you are looking to create 


LAEDA appreciates the support of its alumni and how they are making a positive difference in the communities; helping and supporting each other. 

LAEDA Alumni please note: 

You can also join our Facebook Group Page called LAEDA Alumni Connections to foster and

grow a community of small businesses, highlight your products and or services and help each

other grow in the business world. You can share your achievements, updates, news; promote

your upcoming events or new products and or services.


In addition to our alumni we also had, an instructor of our nine-week training program who also attended tonight’s last day of class for our session 99 EDTP and shared her knowledge with the students by helping them to connect their business and brand with their marketing to the best and most effective way possible. Thank you Trina Allen from JAM INT’L LLC for coming and for teaching our students the valuable information that they can use to help build their businesses and for the support you give them as well during our nine-week program throughout the year. If you would like to get in touch with Trina please email her at: 


Be a life learner and continue to work on yourself and your business! LAEDA offers seminars and short-term courses in various counties of South Jersey throughout the year. A long-term course, which is offered three times per year where entrepreneurs receive 72 + hours of training from industry professionals, business planning and business counseling. The program is free, but you must qualify.

LAEDA welcomes you to join our community of successful entrepreneurs. Visit our website at or call (856) 338-1177 to learn more.

Stay connected with us on our social media platforms @LAEDA1987 (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram & Twitter).