LAEDA’s Session 97 of the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP) Comes to a Close with New Beginnings

LAEDA’s Session 97 of the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP) Comes to a Close with New Beginnings

Camden, NJ- On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, LAEDA hosted the final class of its Entrepreneurship Development Training Program (EDTP) Session 97. The class brought together eight highly motivated and dedicated entrepreneurs, representing a vast variety of industries including pest control services, special event catering, beauty industry, independent artists, frozen fruit, juice, and vegetable manufacturing, and marketing consulting services. Over the course of the nine-week program, participants received 72 + hours of training from industry professionals as well as business planning education and business counseling. Jamila Powell, Program Manager of Women’s Business Center concluded the session by bringing back the first day’s conversation and asking the class to reflect back on what they have learned. “So is it the light of opportunity or are you going to get run over?” Jamila asked while displaying a picture of a tunnel with a light in the far distance, “Congratulations on finishing I admire each and everyone one of you and remember at the end of the day it’s you.”

Jamila asked the following questions:” What have you learned? What was your Aha! Moment? What was your favorite class? What was your biggest challenge?”

The room was filled with the following answers and discussions:

-How to run a business successfully
-Enjoyed all the classes-each one is so amazing and a great wealth of knowledge in all aspects of business
-Many eye openers in learning the business systems
-Correct ways to operate
-Being consistent every day and not giving up is what it takes to run a business
-Cost to run the business-financial costs and financial projections are some of the biggest challenges
-Sacrifice and put time aside for your business and budgeting
-Ah-ha moments are cost of goods sold, was about to give up, but then learned that there is so much more I do not know and not giving up is crucial
– Another challenge is being consistent
-Pricing is an eye opener
-Organization is key for sure and staying on top of things
-Learned to keep on learning

At LAEDA, we encourage our clients to be life learners. All of us are teachers and students; we teach someone every day and we learn something each day as well. Ray left us with some valuable and informative books because it is crucial for entrepreneurs and or business owners to work on not just professional development, but self-development as well.

List of books:

· Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
· The E Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber
· Traction by Gino Wickman
· What To Say When You Talk To Your Self by Shad Helmstetter
· Applebee’s America by Douglas B. Sosnik and Matthew J. Dowd
· How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
· Know Your Value by Mika Brzezinski
· Never Split the Difference by Christopher Voss and Tahl Raz
· The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell

Next the floor opened to LAEDA staff…

Jamila Powell, Program Manager of Women’s Business Center explains, “Grab onto your goals and keep moving onto that road because whatever it is that you need in your life or personal life comes to you have to do that work and be consistent.”

Raymond Lamboy, President & Chief Executive Officer states, “Knowledge is powerless without action, build yourself, take actions and do your push-ups; I look forward to everyone’s successes and just remember your why!”
Annabel Soto, Office Administrator illustrates, “It’s a journey and it’s not over so keep on pushing forward, you have a vision and a dream go for it and we are here for you.”

Nayezge Heyer, Operations Support Coordinator expresses, “Life happens, but each of you kept on coming and did not give up and worked hard and I just wanted to congratulate everyone on their hard work and dedication.”

Merfred “Mimi” Feliz, Camden Verify Coordinator – LAEDA Business Services Center says, “Apply everything you learned and LAEDA is never done helping you. I wish you nothing but the best and you always want to float and keep on growing in your business.”

Mimi also explained about We Buy Camden Initiative where small business are provided with opportunities to do business with other larger businesses and businesses are verified. This night one of our students in this class is one of the participant of Camden Verified.

Michelle Phillips, Training Facilitator describes, “I was along the journey with you guys and being committed and learning and providing support to the students and LAEDA and it is important to keep on moving our businesses toward success and keep on working hard. (Michelle also provided the class with games as well).

Mariana Hinojosa, Assistant Program Manager – Women’s Business Center left the following message for the class, “You get the practical knowledge about how you can run your business and put your skills, talents and knowledge into vital use at LAEDA and I am proud of each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication.”

Sehrish Khan, Training Coordinator LAEDA Business Services Center states, “Surround yourself with positive people and keep pushing yourself forward and this is a relationship that goes on even after the nine weeks are done and keep in touch with LAEDA and each other because a support system is vital.”

Tonight LAEDA also had a guest star speaking and she was in our Women’s Business Academy (WBA); Cesily Cannon with Cesily’s Love Meals, a catering company that specializes in offering full service catering for wedding, parties and many other social events. The company prides itself on offering a variety of southern inspired dishes (using fresh ingredients) that are prepared with love. Cesily founded Cesily’s Love Meals LLC in 2020 with the idea of bringing her southern roots and love of cooking into the hearts and souls of her community. With 20+ years of experience in the restaurant industry, Ms. Cannon brings you a unique soul food cuisine with the freshest ingredients, time-honored techniques and a whole lot of love!

Cesily spoke about her experience in the business journey, experience, and takeaways from LAEDA:

-When you feel like quitting just keep on going.
-Hiring is a challenge, but a must!
-Continue to be persistence; do not quit.
-You have to sacrifice.
-Keep Finances’ in order, stay encouraged, and continue to look forward.
-Keep on building your relationships and treat people the way you want to be treated.
-Do not chase your customer or lower your prices to keep them because they might not be your customer.
-Build a trustworthy team and build a team to grow and always follow up with your team and customers.
-Keep in touch with LAEDA they are a wealth of knowledge and a great support and network system.

Be a life learner and continue to work on yourself and your business! LAEDA offers seminars and short-term courses in various counties of South Jersey throughout the year. A long-term course, which is offered three times per year where entrepreneurs receive 72 + hours of training from industry professionals, business planning, and business, counseling. The program is free, but you must qualify.

LAEDA welcomes you to join our community of successful entrepreneurs. Visit our website at or call (856) 338-1177 to learn more.

Stay connected with us on our social media platforms @LAEDA1987 (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram & Twitter).