Celebrating the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program Session 90

Celebrating the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program Session 90

On June 16th, 2021 LAEDA concluded the third virtual Entrepreneurial Development Training Program course. LAEDA has been providing in-person training for 34 years and launched its first virtual Entrepreneurial Development Training Program back in the Spring of 2020. Session 90 consisted of ten businesses and thirteen total business owners in attendance.

The 2021 Spring Entrepreneurial Development Training Program showcases a variety of small businesses, such as two daycare centers, hair stylists, a life coach, and a variety of additional industries. In the last nine weeks, students have learned from experts in business law, taxes, small business financing, marketing, and of course, business planning.

The Final night was led by Mr. Raymond Lamboy, CEO, and Mr. Eric Newman, Acting Program Manager of the LAEDA Business Services Center. Together Mr. Lamboy and Mr. Newman congratulated the students and explained the importance of implementing their business plan and reaching their goals. Students were provided time to commit to their short-term goals and make final remarks to the group.

Mr. Eric Newman stated “This is a great time for LAEDA to host its 3rd virtual EDTP. Since everything is starting to open up again, it’s a time where microenterprises can bounce back and capitalize on the reopening of the economy. We’re confident that our students have the essential tools needed to continue their growth in the marketplace.