A Moment with our WBA Graduate- Zipporah Daniels-Browne

A Moment with our WBA Graduate- Zipporah Daniels-Browne

Zipporah Daniels-Browne is the owner and operator of A Notebook Company. The company seeks to transform ordinary notebooks to extraordinary by offering journals, calendars, and notebooks with engaging photos and inspirational quotes! Zipporah Daniels-Browne is also a graduate of LAEDA’s Women’s Business Academy (WBA). We had a chance to sit down with her to ask about her experience with entrepreneurship and LAEDA’s training program.

(1) LAEDA: Entrepreneurship is a very challenging path to take with many different possible directions. What made you decide to become an entrepreneur?

Since the age of 18, I have always wanted to own my own business; but my reason today is my son, Aiden. Aiden has special needs and becoming an entrepreneur creates jobs not only for him but also for other children of the special abilities community. So, A Notebook Company was born! A Notebook Company endeavors to become an online stationery hub for creatives by designing quality notebooks, journals, planners and calendars. Our design covers are used to evoke emotions that make customers change the way they feel about writing… Our planners & calendars help them become more organized so that they can reach their highest level of productivity.

(2) LAEDA: Why did you choose your industry?

Journaling/writing was an innate passion from when I was a teenager. Coupling that with the gift of edification, led me in the direction of designing stationery that inspires, encourages, and motivates; along with witty, and a pinch of sarcasm. My main audience is women and we are all multi-dimensional.

(3) LAEDA: Tell me about your experience while attending EDTP. What have the major takeaways been from the program? Have you had any “Ah-ha!” moments? How did the program help you?

I attended the Women’s Business Academy. My major take away was being able to understand the stages of a business, meaning distinguishing from a side hustle and an actual business… To know the difference is priceless. In addition, the “Ah-ha” moment came from the financials (i.e. cash flow cycles). It is not just enough to go out and start a business; all parts of a business are strategic, including the cycle of the cash that flows through it. This information was eye opening for me. Lastly, the program helped me not only gain a better vision of where I see A Notebook Company but also the tools to help me reach each milestone one step at a time.

(4) LAEDA: Tell me about your journey on the road to business start-up. What have been some of the challenges, successes, failures, etc.?

Well, before A Notebook Company, I had another business… Still in the same vein as A Notebook Company, just a different name. However, I was creating things all over the place which took away from the core of what the company was supposed to be. I was also spreading myself thin to design so many products to meet all these various consumer demands. It was while driving and having a spirited conversation with God that led me to strip away the first company and start fresh with a new focus and zeal. It was hard to end a company that I put a number of years into, but out of it came my purpose.

(5) LAEDA: Could you tell me a little about where your business is today?

A Notebook Company is continuing to thrive. You can find our online shop and learn our story at www.anotebookcompany.com. You can also find our products at Moorestown Mall at Curate Noir.
If you are a social media fanatic, you can follow our journey on Instagram at a_notebook_co.

(6) LAEDA: Do you have any advice for future (or existing) entrepreneurs?

My advice, no matter what it looks like, there are millions of people out there in the world. Your family or friends may not be your targeted audience, so keep striving. There are people like me, a complete stranger, rooting for you and will be buying your products.

Zipporah Daniels-Browne can be reached at her Instagram at a_notebook_co.  You can also visit the online shop at www.anotebookcompany.com

The Women’s Business Academy (WBA) is a free, nine-week business skills training course offered in Camden, NJ in the Winter each year. Qualified entrepreneurs receive 72+ hours of training from industry professionals as well as business planning, business counseling, and continued technical assistance. Apply online at www.laedawbc.com or www.LAEDA.com.