A Moment with our EDTP Graduate- Rashida Padgett

A Moment with our EDTP Graduate- Rashida Padgett

Rashida Padgett is the owner of Live. Eat. Be Healthy., LLC. The company offers fresh cold-pressed juice, healthy meal preps and nutrition education. Each item is prepared with love and care. The food is designed to help clients live a healthy lifestyle and feel good! We had a chance to sit down with her to ask about her experience with entrepreneurship and LAEDA’s training program.

(1) LAEDA: Entrepreneurship is a very challenging path to take with many different possible directions. What made you decide to become an entrepreneur?

Becoming an entrepreneur has always been something instilled in me. Entrepreneurship is rooted in my family history. It offers the freedom to create something meaningful from scratch and the ability to make a positive impact on people’s lives. I was drawn to the challenge and the opportunity to bring my ideas to life. The ability to innovate, solve problems, and build a business that aligns with my values and passions were key motivators.

(2) LAEDA: Why did you choose your industry?

I chose the nutrition and meal prep industry because I am passionate about healthy living and wellness. I have always believed in the power of food as medicine. Proper nutrition is the foundation of a healthy life. With the increasing awareness of health and wellness, there is a growing demand for convenient and nutritious meal options. By providing convenient, nutritious, and delicious meal options, I knew I could help people achieve their health goals more easily. My background in culinary, nutrition and passion for healthy eating made this industry a natural fit for me. Additionally, there is a growing trend towards health and wellness all over, making this industry never-ending opportunity for growth.

(3) LAEDA: Tell me about your experience while attending EDTP. What have the major takeaways been from the program? Have you had any “Ah-ha!” moments? How did the program help you?

Attending the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP) was a pivotal experience. The program provided me with key insights into running a business, from marketing, finance, legal documents to operations and customer service. A major takeaway was the importance of a solid business plan and knowing how to sell your business to others (elevator pitch). An “Ah-ha!” moment for me was realizing the significance of building a strong network and team. The program also emphasized the importance of building a profitable business and continuous learning, which has been crucial in navigating the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

(4) LAEDA: Tell me about your journey on the road to business start-up. What have been some of the challenges, successes, failures, etc.?

The journey to starting my business has been both rewarding and challenging. One of the biggest challenges is being a “one woman show”. My gifts are in the kitchen, not so much handling day to day operations. I am still working on building a trustworthy team.

On the success side, business is expanding to new customers through social media and word of mouth. There has been tremendous positive feedback from customers, which is incredibly fulfilling. Furthermore, of course, failures come along but I never look at them as such. I, however, consider them as learning experiences.

(5) LAEDA: Could you tell me a little about where your business is today?

Today, my business is steadily growing. We have a loyal customer base. The business is in the process of rebranding while still being productive. The business is planning to collaborate with local businesses like gyms and wellness centers to provide healthy prep meals and cold pressed juices. The online/ social media presence has been a huge help for marketing. While there is always room for improvement, I am proud of the process and excited about the future.

(6) LAEDA: Do you have any advice for future (or existing) entrepreneurs?

My advice for future and existing entrepreneurs is stay passionate, persistent and consistent. Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint, and there will be setbacks and many obstacles along the way. Always be open to learning and adapting your strategies based on feedback and market changes. The ability to be flexible and improvise as an entrepreneur is essential. Build a strong support network of mentors, peers, and advisors who can provide guidance and encouragement. Most importantly, stay true to your vision and values, as these will guide you through tough times and help you make decisions that align with your long-term goals. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity to grow and improve.

More about Rashida Padgett:

Padgett is a certified chef and nutritionist with over 10 years of experience. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Culinary Nutrition from Johnson & Wales University.

Contact Live. Eat. Be Healthy. LLC for more information: 

Email: Info@liveeatbehealthy.com

Phone: (856) 481-2485

Instagram: live.eat.behealthy.llc

About the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP):

The Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP) is a free, nine-week business skills training course offered in Camden, NJ in the Spring and Fall each year. Qualified entrepreneurs receive 72+ hours of training from industry professionals, business planning, and continued technical assistance. Apply online at www.LAEDA.com.