LAEDA Women’s Business Center Team Heads to Washington, D.C.

LAEDA Women’s Business Center Team Heads to Washington, D.C.

Washington D.C, July 2023 – 145 Women’s Business Centers (WBC), from all over the country, gathered for the 2023 Association of Women’s Business Centers Leadership Conference. The conference took place in Washington D.C. from July 24th to July 27th. This gathering featured an array of workshops, panel discussions, and keynote speakers, all tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities women entrepreneurs encounter.

One of the main highlights of the AWBC Conference was the visit of Isabella Casillas Guzman, the SBA Administrator. During her speech, Ms. Casillas Guzman emphasized that “we are experiencing a small business boom,” and “for the past 25 years, the AWBC has been a strong partner and enduring advocate for providing training, counseling, and capital access in support of women’s entrepreneurial development.” During the welcoming ceremony, Corinne Goble, AWBC’s CEO, agreed with Ms. Casillas Guzman, stating that “we are at a time of historic growth and importance. Just as WBCs support the women entrepreneurs in [our] communities.”

After the welcoming remarks, the program kicked off with a great variety of workshops, discussion panels with entrepreneurs and service providers, and peer-to-peer networking. LAEDA’s WBC Jamila Powell (Program Director) and Mariana Hinojosa (Assistant Program Manager) attended the conference and took advantage of the different workshops and events. “With the constant changes in the business environment and growing number of women’s businesses, more than ever we as business counselors have to be prepared to help small business owners to start or grow their businesses, and this conference allows us to get tools to assist our clients,” Ms. Hinojosa stated. “Additionally, meeting our sister organizations and being in D.C. allowed us to advocate with House Representatives and the Senate to modernize and increase the budget by reauthorizing H.R. 6441 to allow WBCs to empower women entrepreneurs,” added Ms. Powell.

To learn more about LAEDA WBC visit