Back to the Classroom: Entrepreneurial Development Training Program Session 96 Begins!

Back to the Classroom: Entrepreneurial Development Training Program Session 96 Begins!

Camden, NJ- On Wednesday, April 19, 2023 LAEDA opened its’ doors of their training room to welcome the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program Session 96. The students in the class have demonstrated their desire, willingness and ability to move their businesses forward in a meaningful way as a result of the 9-week intensive training course.

Sophie Werner, Program Manager- LAEDA Business Service Center opened up the floor by going over the agenda of the class and welcomed everyone to the Session 96 class.

Jamila Powell, opened the floor to discussion by adding more about the program and what she really values in the program and the students, “It is a great moment to be here and see everyone, we go through this process and we love these moments of our student’s successes, shared experiences & making connections with each other.”

LAEDA completes the cycle of economic development by aligning its various efforts into one comprehensive approach to be focused on one commercial district. This strategy analyzes the marketplace on three levels; market dynamics – SWOT analysis, business capacity & composition and physical capacity; real estate inventory, parking and environment. Ray Lamboy, President & Chief Executive Officer spoke about LAEDA, its mission and its history.

No matter where you are in the evolution of the entrepreneur, whether it is the side hustle business, self-employed business or the business owner one can call LAEDA and get assistance. This program is designed to move you from where you are to where you want to be because standing still is not an option. Also, in this program you will learn the fundamentals of business, have valuable counseling sessions with mentors, learn from experts in their own fields, build a wallet of valuable resources, build up a networking support system, build upon or polish up your business plan, reach toward your goals and much more.

“At the end of the day we will teach you all the practical’s of business, but if Why are you here? What is the gas in your tank is not there than it will not led to success, “ Ray Lamboy illustrated, “So knowing what your why is and staying motivated are crucial.”

LAEDA’s goal is to move you from one phrase to another and take this business information and move your business forward. Ray also added what a business plan is and all the important tools that go into creating that plan of success because the business plan is the assembly instructions for your business.

The interactions and discussions were flowing the room and when Ray asked the following question: “What is a business system?” it only added more onto it.

Putting business systems in place are vital because the sophistication of one’s business systems will tell one how long that business can go without starting to crumble. Ray defined: “Recipe is a system and you follow the steps and then there is an outcome and if you skip any steps you will not get the outcomes that you are looking for.”

As the night continued we went around the room to highlight each student and learn about their business and their why.

The Why’s that filled up the room were amongst the following:

• To have a successful business
• To help people and create jobs for others
• Want to learn the business to avoid any mishap’s
• To generate income without working for someone else
• Build generational wealth for children and family
• Time is our most precious resource so want to make sure we have time
• Have business systems in place
• Create multiple streams of income and creating leaders
• Being able to show kids that if you have a desire and dream then they can achieve it
• To learn the aspects of creating a business
• To build a legacy
• Making sure the kids, family and friends are financially secure
• Expand the business
• Creating a peace of mind
• Financial security and continuing to build upon it
• Handover the business to kids

Just like the room was filled with valuable why’s and the room was enriched with all the stories of our students, it is significant to mention that learning from each other and starting to fill oneself with knowledge and information are two ingredients which are valuable to always add to one’s recipe of success.

Support each other and each other’s businesses because a support and networking system is vital in the journey of an entrepreneur and or small business owner. LAEDA continues to meet entrepreneurs where they are and lead them to where they want to go.

Building relationships are vital to being successful no matter which area or step of life an entrepreneur or an individual is taking and along with that so are mentors and resources.

Tonight LAEDA also had a guest star speaking and one of our former students and one of our current LAEDA family member; Andrea Riley from Marriage Service Technicians. She and her husband equip tools to go above and beyond for relationships to go the distance! Andrea spoke about her experience in the business journey and experience and takeaways from LAEDA:

• “Be an open book and be willing to learn and willing to grow at LAEDA!”
• “At LAEDA everyone comes with something and you can use it because it’s practical.”
• “Every single drop at LAEDA is so valuable.”
• “Whatever you are starting from there is always so much to learn and grow.”
• “It is not just the 9 weeks the support continues here at LAEDA.”
• “Takeaway what you need to take away; learn what you need to learn; grow where you need to grow and stretch, stretch and keep on stretching.”

Next the LAEDA staff all introduced themselves and shared about their background and why they are there at LAEDA.

Are you ready to walk the alphabet of success, having a valuable support and networking group, starting onto your business journey, expanding the journey, adding onto your tool box to assemble that business plan or much more?

LAEDA offers seminars and short-term courses in various counties of South Jersey throughout the year. A long-term course is also offered three times per year where entrepreneurs receive 72+ hours of training from industry professionals, business planning, and business counseling. The program is free, but you must qualify.

LAEDA welcomes you to join our community of successful entrepreneurs. Visit our website at or call (856) 338-1177 to learn more.

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