LAEDA & Curate Noir Create Eight-Week Program to Foster Retail Growth in Camden

LAEDA & Curate Noir Create Eight-Week Program to Foster Retail Growth in Camden

On Thursday August 1, 2024, LAEDA and Curate Noir hosted the last night of its inaugural Retail Launchpad Program at Curate Noir Camden located at 1327 Haddon Avenue in Camden, New Jersey. The eight part series not only offered established retail businesses with training on best practices in brand development, marketing & merchandising, production & product development, and business administration but also provided group and one-on-one business coaching. The program ended with a competition where participants could pitch their businesses to judges for a chance to win 3 grand prizes with a retail value totaling $3,000. 

The showroom of Curate Noir was filled with beautiful and nicely decorated vendor tables, pitch presenters, LAEDA staff, Curate Noir owners Nika and Alban Corbett, judges, and guests. The night began with introductions and reflections; vendor meet and greet, and then there was a pitch competition for vendors to speak about their progress over the last eight weeks. 

“Our organization thrives on business education and coaching that seeks to help businesses grow and thrive so it is a pleasure to introduce these businesses and allow them to explain how they got here” Jamila Powell LAEDA’s Women’s Business Program Manager opened.

“We gave the businesses a shelf to showcase their businesses and have them build their clientele so that way their businesses can continue to grow and thrive,” Nika and Alban Corbett stated. “We have created a space for people to grow and the partnership with Parkside Business & Community In Partnership has allowed us to do just that,” they continued. 

Retail Launchpad participants/ vendors included: 

     •   Venus Berrios with The Eclectic House & Co.
     •   Tyra Chandler with Mama’s in the Kitchen (MITK)
     •   Makayla Clements with Left Hook Apparel
     •   Tiffany Johnson with The Creative Blueprint
     •   Shanyse Kee-Waugh with Muse Society
     •   Jack Lipscomb with J. Martin Clothing
     •   Roberto Rashid with Roberto Rashid Limited Editions
     •   Dawn Tossie with Happy Vacay Vegan


After the meet and greet and pitch competition, the room was open for networking and shopping. Later, the winners of the pitch competition were announced. Judges from PBCIP (Bridget Phifer), Columbia Bank (Efrain Munoz), LAEDA (Ray Lamboy), and My Wife Can’t Cook (Carleen Roberts) chose Venus Berrios, Dawn Tossie, and Shanyse Kee-Waugh as the three grand prize winners. Each was awarded a prize package that included 3 months of prepaid shelf space at Curate Noir, prepaid vendor fees for an upcoming Curate Noir expo, and an event vending kit. The night ended with even more to celebrate when LAEDA President & CEO Raymond Lamboy and LAEDA WBC Program Manager Jamila Powell announced that the remaining participants would receive 3 months of prepaid shelf space at Curate Noir. 

“Not everyone has the ability to own a location, but they still want to cultivate their business and they now can do that here at Curate Noir,” stated Jamila. 

“We can see all of the participants’ hard work and dedication and we are excited to learn more about their businesses and see them grow,” Lamboy expressed. 

The Retail Launchpad participants also shared their experiences and takeaways from program: 

Venus Berrios with The Eclectic House & Co.

“The Retail Launchpad program gave me the opportunity to learn about what it really takes to run my small business, the different platforms that can be used to run my business, etc. I learned how to pitch my business in less than one minute which is huge! I have never felt so confident in my mission and vision until I was able to talk about it with Jamila and Nika and my fellow business owners in class! I recommend this class to anyone that is looking to expand their knowledge and how to market themselves and their business. Hearing their feedback and having them share their knowledge with us I consider to be of great value.” 

For anyone interested in collaborating with Venus and her business at The Eclectic House & Co. you can email her at: call her at 312-554-9336 or follow her on Instagram at theeclectichouseco 

Tyra Chandler with Mama’s in the Kitchen (MITK)

“Even as an experienced business owner who was already in stores and on Curate Noir shelves, I was still able to gain valuable knowledge that I can use in my business. I enjoyed sharing my experiences with everyone as well as getting to know them. They each gave me tips I can use to continue moving my business forward.”

For anyone interested in contacting Tyra, she can be reached via email at or website at

Makayla Clements with Left Hook Apparel 

“The Retail Launch Pad program was an excellent experience. The classes taught me how to ask the right questions, focus my efforts, and make tangible progress. Additionally, we fostered a welcoming and supportive community that was ideal for growth- it was an incredibly encouraging environment.

At Left Hook Apparel, Makayla crafts unique handmade crocheted jewelry and accessories that reflect your personal style. Her pieces feature vibrant colors and designs inspired by the beauty of nature and nerd culture. Each item is a one-of-a-kind creation, tailored to make you stand out and express your individuality. You can find her on instagram bylefthookapparel and etsy at” 

Tiffany Johnson with The Creative Blueprint  

“One of the key takeaways from the Retail Launchpad program was the incredible support and guidance offered by the mentors and fellow entrepreneurs. The program not only provided me with valuable insights into refining my business strategy but also empowered me with the confidence to pitch my ideas effectively. Every piece of feedback that I received, I implemented immediately which included changing my packaging, editing my logo, and sprucing up my subscription kit box. The networking opportunities were also invaluable, helping me to find connections that will benefit my business in the long term.

My business, The Creative Blueprint, specializes in custom laser-cut and engraved items that add a personalized touch to any occasion or space. Whether it’s unique gifts, home décor, or branded merchandise, we take pride in delivering high-quality, creative solutions tailored to our clients’ needs.

Potential clients can reach her through email at or visit her website at to explore more of what The Creative Blueprint offers.”

Shanyse Kee-Waugh with Muse Society: 

“The Retail Launchpad program was a great experience. From the valuable information to the lifelong connections made, I can confidently say this program has changed the way I do business. Jamila and the Corbett’s from Curate Noir were not only attentive but also personable. I believe each participant left with a greater sense of self and confidence in their brand after learning and applying the tips given. I believe with such valuable information it would be ideal to lengthen the program to be able to better personalize and absorb the content. Overall, keep this program going!!” 

If you would like to get in touch with her, please call her number (856) 831-6255 or visit her business Phenom Muse LLC at 409B N White Horse Pike Somerdale NJ 08083.

Jack Lipscomb with J. Martin Clothing

“This was a great program for upcoming entrepreneurs. I learned how to start a business model that works, how to speak about my business and highlight its benefits, and how to correct mistakes in a proper and effective manner. In addition, I was able to network with amazing people in a program that gave me more confidence.”

Jack makes customized items from hats, hair bands, dresses, shirts and hoodies for all occasions for both men and women. If you would like to reach out to him, please visit him on his Instagram page (lipscomb_jack) or call him at 856-412-2877. 

Roberto Rashid with Roberto Rashid Limited Editions

“I found the Retail Launchpad Program to be an extremely beneficial experience. The modules covering:  Cash Flow Projection, Product/Service, Pricing Cost of Goods Sold, was an eye opening lesson for any serious minded businessperson.  The One on One Coaching session was another bonus feature.

Scarves By Rashid will surely benefit from this invaluable information. As a scarf designer, I love to be creative, and I enhance my scarf designs by combining fabrics from around the world. The “hand” (feel), texture, color, and patterns/motifs, express the love that goes into our “Limited Editions,” which can only be purchased at Scarves By Rashid.”

If you would like to contact Roberto Rashid please visit his business website:

Dawn Tossie with Happy Vacay Vegan 

“The collaboration between the two businesses: Curate Noir and LAEDA was incredible and they both came with a lot of knowledge and experience to share. All the questions & answers moments the program entailed as well as the relatability and welcoming nature of instructors was appreciated. I took a lot of notes and understood everything that I was writing from start to finish and at the end of the program I left with a lot of confidence in speaking about my business.”

“After facing health challenges and seeking alternatives to medication, Dawn discovered the transformative power of a vegan lifestyle. Embracing plant-based nutrition restored her health and ignited a passion to guide others in discovering the delicious world of plant-forward eating. Today, she is dedicated to sharing this journey and empowering others to experience the profound benefits of veganism. One way she shares her passion is through her delicious cookies, especially the beloved “Kitchen Sink” cookie. It’s a truly delightful treat that you simply must try.” 

If you would like to contact Dawn Tossie, please visit her 

For more information about LAEDA, PBCIP, and Curate Noir 

LAEDA is a non-profit economic development organization dedicated to the creation of small business ownership opportunities for all minorities, to contribute to the growth and success of small businesses and the development of the marketplace in the communities we serve. To learn more please visit our website by clicking here: LAEDA.

To learn more about Curate Noir please visit their website by clicking here: Curate Noir.

Parkside Business & Community In Partnership, which is a membership-based organization that, through advocacy, collaboration and commitment, believe in rebuilding instead of replacing Parkside’s assets. To learn more please visit their website by clicking here: PBCIP.