Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey’s Camden Business Council Meeting- We Buy Camden Initiative

Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey’s Camden Business Council Meeting- We Buy Camden Initiative

Camden, NJ- On Thursday, August 17, 2023 Camden businesses gathered at the New Jersey American Water for the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey’s Camden Business Council meeting to discuss the We Buy Camden Initiative. Many businesses networked with each other and came together on this day in order to discuss ways on how to improve the quality of life in the city of Camden.

Supporting each other and those around us will make Camden a better city, but this is a group project and working together is how we will build Camden and let it thrive for what it really offers. Purchasing those goods and services from Camden-based businesses is what the We Buy Camden Initiative is all about and that is why businesses gathered around in the valuable and beautiful building at New Jersey American Water.

Nichelle N. Pace, Vice-President of The Camden Business Association, which increases resources and builds strategic partnerships for Camden Businesses and much more started off the council meeting by emphasizing how this is a group project for our city.

“Everyone is here for the backbone for our small businesses,” Mayor of the City of Camden, Victor Carstarphen stated, “We want to improve the quality of life in our city and we remain committed to our small business community and for them to continue to thrive, but in order for that to happen businesses need to work with businesses because those are the fabric of our city.”

Small businesses do not just provide products and services, in fact they provide jobs, they bring new solutions to problems, innovation and help to not just grow, but also drive the economy in a positive direction. These small businesses are the heart and backbone of our community and the businesses that serve this city are reflections of what the city holds and what it can grow to for the residents of this city.

This is why it is important to do research and see what is around us and then inform the residents about the opportunities there are around them and how to access those opportunities in the most beneficial ways.
“We have to create opportunities for the small businesses in our city to grow and thrive,” Mayor of the City of Camden, Victor Carstarphen described, “When small businesses create platforms where we can all work together then it builds trust and confidence in our residents.”

“So if you have nowhere to look, how do you find those businesses?” Ray Jones, President of The Camden Business Association asked the room, “Everyone here is a team and we can run the perfect play so that everyone benefits by utilizing our small businesses, participating, and working together.

“Small businesses make up 49.8% of all New Jersey Employees. In Camden County, that number is even higher, 53-58% of employment comes from small and diverse businesses,” Nichelle N. Pace presented to the room, “Let’s create wealth in our city, but we need to stretch ourselves and change our focus and work together because as mentioned before, this is a team project.”

There are many doors and resources available not just for Camden residents, but for the businesses that work hard and are building their growth in the city of Camden as well. In order to keep thriving and growing we need to create the knowledge and connections for the small businesses in the city to work together and to not just help their businesses to grow, but to also enrich the lives of the city’s residents, which in overall will enrich the life of the city.

Please visit the portal to view local business resources and more.

LAEDA is a leading non-profit community economic development organization in the City of Camden and South Jersey that has been Empowering people and Revitalizing the Community since 1987 and helps bring together the connection for small businesses as well amongst many other aspects.

“Here at LAEDA we have opportunities that change lives and we help those businesses who are not ready to get ready,” Raymond L. Lamboy expressed, “We offer technical assistance, business coaching and training available to businesses and much more.”

At LAEDA we also build the capacity, where necessary, of Camden-based businesses to do business with partners and leverage the resulting economic impact to create jobs, expand and create businesses. In addition, Camden Verified vet’s businesses for proper formation, registrations and licensing and assess business on their capabilities and capacity and much more. For more information, please click on the following Camden Verified at LAEDA.

“We also provide ourselves with a high touch experience and we meet with you and meet with you and meet with you again and again until you meet your goals,” Raymond L. Lamboy described.

The floor was open to questions and answers and filled the room with valuable insights to grab and follow up onto and also making connections that we ought to use and build to better the lives of the residents in Camden, to continue building and thriving the small businesses in the city and build our city of growth, potential and opportunities overall.

Small businesses are an economic tool which when used properly help enrich the lives of the residents and communities nearby.

Nichelle N. Pace left us with a great question to think about, “How can we collectively change the economic direction of this city together?”

For more information on LAEDA and its other business education programming visit our website at or call (856) 338-1177 to learn more.