A Moment with our EDTP Graduate- Brittani Guy

A Moment with our EDTP Graduate- Brittani Guy

Brittani Guy is the owner and operator of BCA Digital. Brittani Guy is a graduate of LAEDA’s Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP). We had a chance to sit down with her to ask about her experience with entrepreneurship and LAEDA’s training program.

(1) LAEDA: Entrepreneurship is a very challenging path to take with many different possible directions. What made you decide to become an entrepreneur?

Honestly, I never wanted to be an entrepreneur. I wanted to work a 9-5 and climb up the corporate ladder like most people. However, when I graduated, it was very difficult to find employment with the ideal job title, job duties, and desired salary. The jobs I was able to obtain did not light me up and thus, I was frustrated and felt stagnant, which is why I desired more. One thing about me is I do not like to be stagnant. If I am not growing or making an impact, I would feel frustrated, depressed, and like I wanted to scream. However, in time, I realized I also did not like moving off someone else’s schedule and being told what to do. I did not want to be defined by a job description or must ask for permission to take a vacation. I wanted to do the things that light me up and where I can make a greater impact in the world.

(2) LAEDA: Why did you choose your industry?

I want to show other small business owners like myself how to work smarter and not harder. It is this notion that you need to work very hard to obtain success. While I do believe you need to put in effort, it does not need to be hard. I want to make it simple for small businesses to reach success without feeling burned out and overwhelmed.

What is the reason most people decide to become an entrepreneur anyway? Most likely, it is to work less hours, get more time back to do the things they enjoy or for financial freedom. But what often happens instead? They end up working more hours than they ever did in their full-time role. They find themselves overwhelmed and burned out. They did not become an entrepreneur to feel that way! Thus, here lays the reason a lot of small businesses fail! They have mind limitations and do not have the right systems in place to create a sustainable business. I want to help owners beat their own mind limitations and make business simple and fun. I want to help them create a better team and customer experience where their business can run without their presence. Thereupon, giving them time back to do the things they enjoy; earning both peace and profit.

(3) LAEDA: Tell me about your experience while attending EDTP. What have the major takeaways been from the program? Have you had any “Ah-ha!” moments? How did the program help you?

I learned a lot from EDTP. It was a great way to network and gave me the opportunity to be in a room of like-minded individuals that was on the same entrepreneurial journey as me. Before joining the program, I did not have anyone I could talk to about my business. I was struggling and desired mentorship, but had no one to turn to. This program helped me to look at my business on a deeper level and gave me the knowledge, tools and resources I needed to push the needle forward in my business.

(4) LAEDA: Tell me about your journey on the road to business start-up. What have been some of the challenges, successes, failures, etc.?

The challenge for me was figuring out what I really wanted to do. I am multi-passionate, so I did not know which path was right for me. There was also so much to learn! I did not know where to even begin in my business. At the time, I did not have anyone I could talk to about my business venture that would understand the entrepreneurial journey. I wore multiple hats, which made me super overwhelmed and burned out. I found myself focusing on the wrong things that I realized did not help me to move the needle forward in my business. I focused on logos, colors, legal documents, all the things that did not matter in the beginning phase. On top of this, I am a person that is good at a lot of different things, so I struggled to come up with an offer. I took the long road as I had to figure out things as I went along. It wasn’t until I started to shift my mindset that I started to feel like I was moving in the right direction. Don’t get me wrong, I am still WIP, but I am clearer on my journey than ever before. What changed the game for me was opening my mind to different thoughts and ideas. I started to invest more in myself and business, joined EDTP-a membership community, listened to business podcasts, attended webinars, and read books; all of which I still do today.

(5) LAEDA: Could you tell me a little about where your business is today?

Today, I am shifting my business model. I started out doing all the things and providing customized one on one support and monthly packages. Today, I have a membership community and a VIP program. I understand that entrepreneurs are busy and want to move the needle in their business quickly. The VIP program allows me to help any small business owner reach their goals in a day so they can take action and move on to the next phase of their business.

(6) LAEDA: Do you have any advice for future (or existing) entrepreneurs?

Take your time and do not rush your process. You may hear that someone quit their job and was able to scale their business to 6 figures. However, what you may not hear is the support that person had that allowed them to make that move. Unless you have a wife, husband, family member, powerful connections or another source of capital that can cover your expenses while you grow your business, you may need to grow your business while you work your 9-5 job. Give yourself the grace and patience throughout your journey.

Working a 9-5 while growing your business may require you to have discipline and create a schedule for yourself. Remember, a small action each day is better than no action at all. Practice healthy habits, like drinking water, exercising, getting proper sleep, etc. Trust me, it is going to play a factor in your level of productivity throughout your entrepreneurial journey. Get very clear on your vision and make sure your business can support the vision you have for your lifestyle. If you are still trying to figure out what you want to do or find yourself bouncing between different professions as you may be multi-passionate, allow yourself time to reflect. Give yourself the time and space to think about which passion you would like to make a business. Not every passion should be monetized! However, you have the freedom to do what you want. You can even combine two passions to make one single clear message and make a true impact in the world. You have a blank canvas to do what lights you up. Do whatever feel right to you. The sky is the limit!

My advice for entrepreneurs would be to get very clear on your vision (know what you want to do or the life you want to live). Do not miss this step! It is your “why” to being an entrepreneur. It is the foundation that would make everything else clearer and allow you to take strategic action in your business. You won’t know the right program to join or the right service offering to invest in without first knowing the legacy you want to create, which is your why. Once you have an idea, don’t be afraid to test things out. Take the leap of faith and invest in yourself and business!

BCA Digital helps busy, overwhelmed multi-passionate entrepreneurs create structure and develop simple digital systems to improve marketing operation, team and customer experiences.

Brittani Guy can be reached by the following:

You can call her at 856-208-7096.

You can email her at info@bguyconsulting.com.

You can follow her on Instagram at @bca_digital.

The Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP) is a free, nine-week business skills training course offered in Camden, NJ in the Spring and Fall each year. Qualified entrepreneurs receive 72+ hours of training from industry professionals, business planning, and continued technical assistance. Apply online at www.LAEDA.com.