A Moment with our WBA Graduate- Halley Beam

A Moment with our WBA Graduate- Halley Beam

Halley Beam is the owner and operator of Party Works Rental LLC, which is your one-stop-shop for all your party rental needs. There is a wide selection of high- quality party equipment and supplies for any occasion, from corporate events and weddings to backyard BBQs and birthday parties. We had a chance to sit down with her to ask about her experience with entrepreneurship and LAEDA’s training program.

(1) LAEDA: Entrepreneurship is a very challenging path to take with many different possible directions. What made you decide to become an entrepreneur?

I don’t think I ever actually decided to be an entrepreneur honestly. Years ago I was a stay at home mom and my husband was a diesel mechanic. Living on one income was hard so he wanted to start a side business. Thereupon, I started taking online college classes and working toward my associates degree in business management and accounting in order to fulfill the needs in his new company. We never really pushed it as it was just extra income, but in the year 2019 I rented an inflatable obstacle course for my son’s birthday and we did not have a good experience. Thereafter, I decided I would never rent one again and since we have four young children that I would buy one for them to use. My husband asked what I would do with it the rest of the year. This question gave us the insight and value to buy a few and use them as side money for a vacation fund. When I told my family and friends they were not too thrilled about it and honestly I thought they were right for a while. However, I saw a need and wanted to work on my passion so I opened my business in the year 2020 and quickly saw the potential and just kept pushing and growing; until it became so significant that my husband had to leave his job to help keep up.

(2) LAEDA: Why did you choose your industry?

I chose this industry just trying to avoid having the same poor experience I had previously, and thought there would be other parents who might have had or do have similar experiences. I wanted to make things easier and take some of the stress off of planning a birthday, graduation, field day or any other event. We all have hectic lives and the last thing you want to add to your mind or plate is to be wondering if the main attraction will show for your event.

(3) LAEDA: Tell me about your experience while attending EDTP. What have the major takeaways been from the program? Have you had any “Ah-ha!” moments? How did the program help you?

Seeing all the different classmates and sharing our thoughts and experiences was a motivating and valuable help along with all the actual instructors who were great with ensuring you truly understand what is being covered. I will say the most beneficial aspect for me is having a great detailed business plan with benchmarks to follow that helps to keep you on track and working toward the goal(s).

(4) LAEDA: Tell me about your journey on the road to business start-up. What have been some of the challenges, successes, failures, etc.?

I can say the road was not a straight one but was full of bends, both ups and downs. My friends, family and even I thought not so positive in the beginning because it seemed like a wild idea, but I just felt like there was a way to make it work. I still wonder what I am doing sometimes and if the added stress is worth it, but honestly the freedom and extra time with my children this has provided has been worth all the extra stress. We have overcome the startup money, strict state regulation, move vehicle failures then I can count, supply shortages, shipping delays, employee shortages, having to move from our home office to a warehouse, and a strain on our relationship at times. We have always found a way to regroup, reconnect, and get back on track and have an even stronger relationship because of it. It has definitely been a struggle, but one I would gladly do again for the freedom we are now able to enjoy.

(5) LAEDA: Could you tell me a little about where your business is today?

Today, Party Works Rentals is in its fourth year and is Burlington Counties largest legal inflatable rental company. We are in the process of moving into our first real warehouse which will allow us to start doing customer pickups of smaller items. We have expanded from 6 inflatables to over 25 along with adding more dunk tanks, inflatable games, giant yard games, and dozens and dozens of concessions. We have 3 delivery vehicles and are looking to expand that even further. In addition, we have a great group of returning employees and are still hiring more. Our sales goals are now numbers I never even thought possible and this company has grown beyond my wildest dreams. Everyday I wake up and sit down to my email to respond to customers from overnight and I am just humbled and amazed to think this all came from a silly idea and a dream of taking the kids on vacation.

(6) LAEDA: Do you have any advice for future (or existing) entrepreneurs?

I have been blessed with so many wonderful people in my life who have been where I am and are willing to share their advice so I will pass on the ones that helped me the most. “If it was easy everyone would do it”. The journey will be difficult, but you cannot see the sunrise on top of the mountain without the climb. “You can have control or you can have growth but you cannot have both”. This was hard for me but you need to train and trust your employees. Good employees are hard to find so treat them right and do not micromanage. Empower your team so you can focus on running the company and not working in it. “You are the company you keep”. Not everyone has the same mind for business or vision you do so find a few good friends within your industry and learn from them. Once you have that knowledge apply it and pass it on to someone else who is where you were. Lastly, remember you are only human and you need a break also. No-one creates a business to work in it 24/7. It’s okay to say no or take time to yourself.

More about Party Works Rental LLC:
Party Works Rentals Inflatables are kid safe, durable, clean and sanitized between every rental. We are registered with the state, inspected and insured for your protection so you can feel safe working with us. Our inflatables are great for any occasion. If you are celebrating a birthday, graduation, family reunion, holiday, or just because, we are ready to help. We do corporate, school, church and business events as well. No job too big or too small. We go above and beyond to make your special day the best one yet!

Whether you’re planning a small gathering or a large-scale event, Party Works Rentals has everything you need to make your party unforgettable. Browse our website today to get started!

Halley Beam can be reached at:
Email- PartyWorksRentals@gmail.com
Website- www.PartyWorksRentals.com
Phone- 609-694-8348
Facebook – www.facebook.com/PartyWorksRentals
Instagram – www.instagram.com/partyworksrentals/
Google – https://goo.gl/maps/WoHEkjKG7haBZV1TA

About the Women’s Business Academy:
The Women’s Business Academy (WBA) is a free, nine-week business skills training course offered in Camden, NJ in the Winter each year. Qualified entrepreneurs receive 72+ hours of training from industry professionals as well as business planning, business counseling, and continued technical assistance. Apply online at www.laedawbc.com or www.LAEDA.com.