A Moment with our WBA Graduate- Jazmin Ortiz

A Moment with our WBA Graduate- Jazmin Ortiz

Jazmin Ortiz is the owner and operator of Jazzy Rose Photography LLC, which specializes in newborn photography along with providing the following sessions: cakesmash, sitters, milestones, maternity, children and family. We had a chance to sit down with her to ask about her experience with entrepreneurship and LAEDA’s training program.

(1) LAEDA: Entrepreneurship is a very challenging path to take with many different possible directions. What made you decide to become an entrepreneur?

I cherish my freedom and knew that becoming my own boss would give me the flexibility that I needed as a mom with a small child.

(2) LAEDA: Why did you choose your industry?

I did not choose my industry, instead my industry chose me. I love newborns and after a horrible experience with JCPenny’s, I decided to take matters into my own hands and sent out my first model call. My first attempt at capturing newborn images for a family was not very successful, but that did not stop my drive. At that moment, I knew this industry had to be for me. Now, I get to freeze time and capture beautiful portraits for families in the surrounding areas. Capturing those memories for other families is so valuable and is what keeps the drive moving forward.

(3) LAEDA: Tell me about your experience while attending EDTP. What have the major takeaways been from the program? Have you had any “Ah-ha!” moments? How did the program help you?

I attended EDTP during the pandemic; everything was virtual, but it worked for my schedule. One of the major takeaways from the program was understanding the numbers of my business. I had always struggled with my pricing, but because of EDTP I am now confident in my pricing. My profits are now greater than my losses.

(4) LAEDA: Tell me about your journey on the road to business start-up. What have been some of the challenges, successes, failures, etc.?

Running a business can be overwhelming. There is so much to learn, and for a long time I was hesitant about starting a new business because I did not know where to begin. This was the biggest challenge for me. I wanted to do things “the right way” so that my business would be viable, but what I soon learned, after starting, was that there isn’t a “right” way. You learn as you go.

I started my business in 2019 in a spare room in my home. I used what I had, and I remained patient and consistent in my work. Five years later, my business is better than ever. It is not perfect nor where I want it to be, but it has improved tremendously. Once I stopped comparing myself to other entrepreneurs in my industry, my business started to grow.

(5) LAEDA: Could you tell me a little about where your business is today?

Since completing LAEDA’s business program, I have moved my studio out of my home and into a small commercial building located in Palmyra, NJ, which was one of my goals when I first applied to the program.

(6) LAEDA: Do you have any advice for future (or existing) entrepreneurs?

Invest in your education and network as much as you can. Being an entrepreneur is not for the weak. It gets lonely, but when you surround yourself around like minded people, your future is destined for greatness. When you love your work, it’s not work at all. Take the leap and start your own business, if you haven’t done so already, and if you’re already an entrepreneur, keep on going!

Jazmin Ortiz can be reached at:
Email- jazzyrosephotography@gmail.com
Website- https://www.jazzyrosephotography.com/about

About the Women’s Business Academy:
The Women’s Business Academy (WBA) is a free, nine-week business skills training course offered in Camden, NJ in the Winter each year. Qualified entrepreneurs receive 72+ hours of training from industry professionals as well as business planning, business counseling, and continued technical assistance. Apply online at www.laedawbc.com or www.LAEDA.com.