Strengthen Your Credit And Your Budget
Virtual OnlineJoin us and learn about how to establish or increase your credit score, how to create a budget, how to read a credit report, and what you can do to...
Join us and learn about how to establish or increase your credit score, how to create a budget, how to read a credit report, and what you can do to...
The pathway from “creating for fun” to “creating for business” is anything but straightforward, but LAEDA is here to help you navigate the swerves and curves. One part of the...
A business plan is more than just a checklist item; it’s a crucial tool that transforms your vision into reality. Join our upcoming live event to learn the importance of...
Session Two is all about identifying who your best customers are and how to reach them so they buy from you instead of your competition. Don’t worry if you haven’t had any sales yet...
A sales channel is the manner by which a business sells (exchange of money) its product or service to the customer. In Session Three, we review the sales channels that...
Having good credit can mean the difference between success or failure for a small business. Without it you can’t sign a lease, get terms with your suppliers or get a...
Whether it's seen as an opportunity or a problem, money is needed by all businesses to run. As a business owner, you need to know how to use money in...
Committing to keeping accurate records of all sales and expenses is the foundation for ensuring your business’ future success. Written transactions serve as a documented history of your business’ daily...
Are you ready to transform your entrepreneurial dreams into reality? We're thrilled to present an exclusive series of five workshops designed to catapult your business acumen to new heights. Come...
Session Six is the last session of LAEDA’s Turning Your Hobby into a Business, and the class where you get to showcase your talent! Applying everything learned in the previous...