LAEDA’s Individual Development Account (IDA) for Business Program
The IDA program, powered by the United Way, is a powerful opportunity to access capital for a growing business. Your decision to save now opens the door to additional capital in the future.
IDA is a capital match program that allows small business owners to have their savings matched with additional dollars for use in business building investments.
As a member of the IDA program you will:
• Secure a total of $4,500 to invest your business
• Save $1,500 of Your Own Money & Receive a Match of $3,000 from United Way
• Receive Business Training and Financial Coaching to Support Your Business
IDA has a limited number of slots per year. Currently, we have filled our slots for the 2024 – 2025 program year. If you would like to be placed on our wait list for the program, please complete a contact form with “IDA” in the subject field and one of our team members will contact you.