Entrepreneurial Development Training Program Application

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Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program Application!

The Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP) is LAEDA’s most advanced training program that requires a major investment of time and effort from those accepted into the course.  It is best suited for individuals who are highly experienced in the business they wish to operate and has sufficient capital and collateral to implement their business plan.

This application is designed to gather information about candidates who wish to be considered for acceptance into the EDTP.  This application will gather information about a candidate’s experience in the industry they wish to operate a business in, available resources to start or expand a business and the status of their ability to access capital.  Additional demographic information is collected for purposing of reporting to our funders.  No specific name is connected to your demographic responses.

Please note, you must complete the application in one sitting.  You will not be able to save the form and come back to it.

Entrepreneurial Development Training Program Application

Entrepreneurial Development Training Program Application

  • Contact & Marketing Information
  • Business Information
  • Business Readiness Information
  • Demographic Information
    • Review & Submit

    Contact & Marketing Information

    In this section, we will be gather contact information, how you heard about the program and the best time to call you about your application.
    Confirm your email address by entering it twice above and to the right.
    Tracking the effectiveness of our marketing is a key business principal. Would you take a moment to identify how you heard about the program? A follow up field may appear for you to provide additional information for a particular selection.
    You selected LAEDA Alumni or Client as having told you about the program. Please share their name so we can thank them
    You selected that you attended a public presentation or training event, please share the name of the event here.
    You selected that you were referred by a government office or entity. Please share the name of the office or entity here.
    You selected that you were referred by a bank. Please share their name here.
    You selected that you were referred by a non profit or community partner. Please share their name here.
    Include your home address
    Apartment/Suite/Unit - Enter "Not Applicable" if there is none