Support Our Mission

Assisting your fellow human being is the most noble of human endeavors. Supporting our mission through the contribution of you time, talents and treasures in any way, shape or form are always and greatly appreciated.


Donating your time through volunteerism is one of the best ways to learn about our mission and meet the very individuals we help. Answer phones, stuff envelopes or organizing an event are just a few of the many ways that your time will help us to live out our mission of empowerment.


We are all blessed with unique abilities and talents that can be used to help our fellow human being. Are you a teacher, banker, insurance agent, realtor, accountant or architect? These talents and more can me donated to assist LAEDA in pursuing its mission. Teach a class on financial literacy; assist a new entrepreneur with their bookkeeping; mentor a budding entrepreneur or write a marketing plan all these can be enriching experiences for you and of immeasurable value to an individual pursuing the dream of business ownership.  If you would like to volunteer, please complete a contact form, and include “Volunteer” in the subject line.


Maybe you don’t have the time or the talent to donate to LAEDA at this time, but believe in our mission of personal empowerment. Donating a small monthly contribution or a large annual gift can make all the difference. LAEDA welcomes your contribution. Please click the “Donate” button below to make your contribution.

Please click the “Donate” button above.

You will be redirected to PayPal where you will complete your donation.

If you prefer to make your donation by check, please make the check out to LAEDA, Inc. and mail it to 433 Market Street – Suite 202, Camden, NJ 08102